Thursday, February 6, 2014

New Semester, New Rules

Wow has it been a long time since I last posted...
As you all know, my time at BSN has since expired, and I find myself sitting back realizing just how lucky I am to have participated in it.

Not everyone has the opportunities I have been given at Middle Creek, and I am truly blessed to be given the chance to advance my abilities in the direction of my career path.

Given the new semester, I felt inclined to post as a lot has happened in so short a time... To start, we are now less than 2 weeks away from the SWAC Conference Tournament, that Middle Creek is so lucky to be hosting this year.  Of course, with that comes the daunting task of preparing for such an important couple of days with The Sports Block.  Yes, we will absolutely be covering that so be sure to hop on over to on February 19th and 21st to watch!!  This (if all goes to plan) will be the best Sports Block broadcast in its history.  It is shaping up to be comparable to something you may see on ESPN or even FOX Sports.  I, along with a lot of my classmates, have been busy for weeks preparing our insert packages and special content for this tournament, and so much blood, sweat, and tears (all from my macbook that is...) has been put into it.

As if that wasn't enough, at the same time, our local SkillsUSA chapter is preparing to take off for State Competitions in early April.  Today was our regional competition, and the talent our group has shown is astounding.  We have by far the best animator I have seen in Alex Smith, who is extremely talented, and hand draws EVERYTHING.  We also have a new couple in Patrick Pastrana and Melanie Jarvis, who are looking to blow away their competition in Television and Video.  There are also countless more students who are stepping up to the plate in a big way and participating this year.  We are competing in 4, thats right, 4 new contests this year that Middle Creek never has before.  Engineering Technology and Design as well as Robotics are being led by Mrs. Trevino this year and Obi Juan Marin!  Zach Arn is also competing in Photography, and is looking to make a splash in an extremely difficult competition.  Finally, we are even (possibly) competing in Job Interview this year!! I am so excited not only because this branches away a little bit from just straight Digital Media, but it also gives us a chance to introduce students to the Digital Media field in a whole new way.  We produce the opening ceremonies at State Competitions... That means students from Ms. Trevino's class, and the speech classes will be introduced to all kinds of new things from the production of a show, to operating cameras and spotlights, and even live interviews.  In short, I am extremely excited, if you can't already tell :)

That about sums up my first week of 2nd Semester for me.... OH and I am currently waiting to hear back from NC State Design School... HOPEFULLY, one day that may be a part of my post here :)

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